Michelle provides a wide range of interventions and support services for children and adolescents.
During the initial intake process, a comprehensive evaluation will be completed to guide treatment recommendations.

Specializing in the following conditions and associated symptoms:

Disruptive and oppositional behaviors
Anxiety Disorders
Selective Mutism
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Emotion dysregulation and irritability
School-based behavioral challenges
Social challenges
Evidence-based interventions for children and their families
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focuses on helping children and adolescents to better understand patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. With improved understanding and insight, children are able to change maladaptive thinking patterns and behavioral habits, and learn more effective coping strategies.
Exposure Therapy is a specific type of CBT designed to treat anxiety disorders when there is persistent fear or avoidance of a specific situation. Through guided support, children learn techniques to challenge their fears and worries, and are gradually exposed to a hierarchy of their feared situations.
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Adolescents (IPT-A) provides support for adolescents who are experiencing symptoms of depression and may also be struggling in their relationships. It aims to change problematic interpersonal behavior patterns, as well as increase understanding around how our relationships contribute to how we feel.
Support for parents and caregivers to more effectively manage challenging behaviors at home, and reinforce skills learned in therapy sessions
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is the gold-standard intervention for children ages 2-7 with oppositional and defiant behaviors. A live parent-child coaching model is used to enhance the parent-child attachment and foster effective parenting strategies to improve child emotion regulation and compliance.
PCIT-SM is an adaptation of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for the treatment of Selective Mutism. This intervention provides live coaching support as children work on meeting targeted bravery goals while increasing verbalizations across people, places, and activities.
Parent Management Training (PMT) is a program designed to help parents and caregivers manage and reduce problem behaviors in children and teens, ages 4-14. Parents are typically seen for sessions without the child present, and learn specific skills to increase positive goal-oriented behaviors at home.
Supporting Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) utilizes parent-based training to improve responses to child anxiety symptoms and reduce interfering and problematic patterns of behavior.
Behavior management support for teachers, SEITs, paras, and other members of your child's school team
Classroom Observations can be completed if your child is struggling with behavioral challenges in school. The goal of this observation will be to collect data and complete a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) in order to more effectively guide recommendations for school intervention.
School Behavior Management Support can be provided to your child's teachers, SEIT, para, or any other members of the school team. Collaboration with your child's school is often essential to ensure that the behavior plan in place will be consistent across settings. This may involve joining a support plan meeting to help advocate for your child, offering a staff training session, or providing specific recommendations for classroom accommodations.